The apartment is on the 24th floor has been designed quite all copies. However, to satisfy the needs of homeowners, architects have invested to renovate the kitchen area – Dining – Living a fun gathering place, create focal points for living space for quite boring.

Redesign apartments open way, architects boldly demolished old warehouse under the current page form a cabinet – connected to the kitchen island, which became wide open space. Kitchen island and is designed as a bar, where fun communication between members of the family or home – guests while cooking and snacks. The entire space with the main functional areas including kitchen, kitchen island, a dining table which became the intimate connection with the family meal and meeting friends and connecting with living room area, capital appreciation and thanks needed a nice view overlooking the outdoor. Open kitchen, all activities are oriented so relaxed criteria, to whom do also feel comfortable, pleasant and virtually from any location can also casting an eye outside. Feeling cramped kitchen where old which also disappeared, making public spaces become airy and dynamic.